West Falls Church  ·  $$
Popular Dishes @ FLOWER PALACE

Truly Stunning Bouquet

This dreamy jewel toned bouquet combines bold color and eye catching texture to make a state...

Clear Skies Bouquet

Let this uplifting arrangement be reminders of the clear skies ahead. Capturing the feeling ...

12 Long Stem Pink Roses

Enjoy the classic Beauty of the rose with a playful twist in our Long Stem Pink Rose Bouquet...


Send the Lemonade Bouquet to celebrate mom on her special day, spring and summer birthdays, ...

12 Long Stem Red Roses

This classic 12 Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet is a powerful symbol of passion or gratitude for ...

Rose Quartz

Known to be a symbol of unconditional love, send your whole heart with Rose Quartz. Blooming...

Regal Jewel Florist Original

For someone fit for the throne, give them vibrant elegance with the Regal Jewel Florist Orig...


Send our Lollipop Bouquet as a sweet Mother's Day treat or to an unexpecting friend. Designe...

Dreamy Pastels Florist Original

For a softer, elegant combination, look no further than the Dreamy Pastels Florist Original ...

24 Mixed Rose Bouquet

Live happily with the Ever After Mixed Rose Bouquet. This arrangement features two dozen ros...
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