Chueo-Tang 추어탕 泥鰍汤 · This dish is a soup prepared by purging sand out of live loach by boiling in salted water. The boiled and cleaned loach is then ground in a blender and brought to a boil again with various ingredients, such as chive, dried radish greens, and gochujang. It is a popular health food in Korea. 先用盐巴去掉泥鳅身上的淤泥,加入适量水煮熟后用搅拌机打碎。在汤和打碎的肉里放入韭菜和泡发的干菜叶重新熬煮,最后用辣椒酱等调节咸淡,是极受欢迎的滋补养生汤。

Chueo-Tang 추어탕 泥鰍汤

by Kum Sung BBQ
This dish is a soup prepared by purging sand out of live loach by boiling in salted water. The boiled and cleaned loach is then ground in a blender and brought to a boil again with various ingredients, such as chive, dried radish greens, and gochujang. It is a popular health food in Korea. 先用盐巴去掉泥鳅身上的淤泥,加入适量水煮熟后用搅拌机打碎。在汤和打碎的肉里放入韭菜和泡发的干菜叶重新熬煮,最后用辣椒酱等调节咸淡,是极受欢迎的滋补养生汤。
, NY
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